Today's pocket car, wheel swapped Porsche 😋
New Collection Display (Mostly Hot wheel)
Just got one of these through, pretty funky
Taking nice photos before my son trashes them 😅
Lightning McQueen doing some dirt road training 😅
Beach sun
Just got one of these cases for my STH from AliExpress, very impressed!
Gotta say, bit underwhelmed by the casting, chunky plastics (still like it though)
Love this casting and had to do a wheel swap!
Feeling this in general but after today's meeting with Zelensky
When you're trying to get your son in his car seat and he finds your stash of Hot Wheels 😅
Dune: The Graphic Novel, Book 3: The Prophet: Deluxe Collector's Edition
I’ve been collecting for 8 months now.. I’ve definitely over done it a weee bit lol.. sitting at 105 RLC Supers and Convention cars.
Try all different combinations? There can't be that many?
[Request] Rear door at work. I argue there are only 24 combinations someone can guess. My coworkers all think I'm crazy, I need this settled.
Buying a Tesco meal deal and see a full box, happy to find a RB in the wild
Aldi shopping trip and spy a dump bin 😅
Let me son pick a car, how'd he do?
Controversial finds today
Trying my hand at some HW Photography :)
Little pit stop pickup on a long drive :)
I bring hot wheels when I travel, anyone else? 😸
UK is bigoted and Brexit is bad: The Government campaign to scare away migrants
Found these in dump bin. I tried to convince myself to buy them, but they didn’t peak my interest. I’m a Ford man at heart. Anyone else see cool cars, but just can’t seem to like them enough to buy?
Went back to get the Silhouette Porsche, all gone! Restocked with no STH or THs, happy with haul though
Happened to be in Smyth's (getting son a car) just as these were going out