gyro side gunner causes roshan to roar and get stuck while walking in river
How I stopped being toxic and angry at losses (and went from Archon to Divine)
Since valve wants to acknowledge the creep hero type still existing, lets catalogue all the types.
The Underworld
Rate my Emergency Landing
Hunting dog
The man has some good taste in games
Paizo staff asks: What brought you to Pathfinder?
Had a LTT fever dream.
The flinch mechanics is so strong I ended up TKing lol
Norway rethinks €1.7 trillion sovereign fund to boost support for Ukraine
My company paid for the entire RAM, so I’m using all of it—ALL THE TIME!
China’s latest surveillance camera can capture faces from 100 km away
I am totally lost
Roshan y u do dis :'(
DotA 7.38 - Wandering Waters
Ouija, Ouija, on the floor, WHY IS A DEMON AT MY DOOR?! Ouija: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Boys I think we found it!
We found a huge abandoned casino cruise ship
Making an NPC with a weapon that makes up most of their power
War Thunder is one of the few games that can actually benefit from 8K and we didn't see it tested in the 8K Gaming video
Astramentis giveaway
Happy Valentines Day
Finding a group online - am I doing it wrong?