Tips to beat this lady right here
Broadsword is strong
I just defeated this guy
Op base game weapons
Bonfire Ascetics worth it?
Guys, can you suggest a fun build or something? I'm starting to get bored after 1,560 hours, and I've only played the DLC once. I find it really boring to get to it.
Somber strength weapons
I have 27k caps only exploring, That number only increases and I still haven't found a merchant who sells me anything interesting... Will I find someone selling something interesting later?
I just got a two-shot radium rifle, do you think it could be op or meh?
This game is amazing, after 24 hours I still haven't set foot in Diamond City.. there are so many places to explore, I get distracted by any structure that is in my way. Sometimes it even relaxes me (leaving aside the ghouls that are sometimes jumpscares)
Is it normal that every place I teleport to, there's a HellFire Enclave soldier kicking my ass?
Guys, an legendary enemy dropped an explosive minigun, what do you think?
Hey guys, I recently started a game and wanted to know what you think about the 10mm pistol and how viable you think it is with the Gunslinger perk.. Im a complete noob in fallout 4
I'm going to start Fallout 4, any tips or things I should take into account? I've already played fallout 3 and new vegas.
Guys, I have a good reputation with the legion, when do I get the key to the safehouse?
guys, do you know any location to get a sniper early? I know exist ratslayer, but the common sniper rifle is sexy..
Hello guys can you help me with this? I want to do an op unarmed - melee build, Help me place the points as effectively as possible
Guys, I want to make a build with critical-based energy weapons, can you help me with this?
should i buy this little guy?
My record with darkhammer