Great Sword is so fun
Large Crown Ajarakan is so intimidating
I'm gun lancing, art by me
Chatacabra is THICCC
What weapon do you love even more now?
To my fellow balding brothers: You can make beautiful thinning hair and handsome bald spots with glow paint. <3
Do you think Nergigante will return?
Let's play a little game.
Guys do i need to clean my switch
I don't think that's Wyvern milk...
Should I make this dude my new pfp? (Second picture is my current one)
Average convo with my friend
/r/MonsterHunter x SecretLab Giveaway
Capcom Response to the issues
Question for Xbox
How many hours of playtime does it usually take to diamond most monsters?
Any tips for niloticus and inkfell?
Hey fellas! (WYST Main here), I’m still a little new (been playing for 2 months approx. and I’m struggling to level my WYST up, any suggestion? (Lvl. 67!)
is it just me or is baldi pretty nuts after his movement buff
Poor guy gave up
From Behind
In 3 words, explain a weapon
My sister painted a Velkhana for christmas