How to recover from very low Fairplay-Points?
Low fairplay-points and can‘t access any game modes
Selling my Arkham Horror collection
What is this thing inside my fridge?
My Switch got banned and I don’t know what to do now
Ruby/Sapphire Location Ramp
Idea for a Ruby Sapphire location deck
Thank u blizzard
Can Kelp work with this team?
Is this normal?
One of these brothers is a sweetheart, the other tried to eat the sponge. Can you guess which is which?
When you're rowing... chilling in Valheim and you finally find a good biome
My pulls from the Charizard UPC
Took all my open Brilliant Stars packaging and made a collage. I think it turned out well.
Pulls from Pokemon Go ETB
Did I get scammed?
So, I have this Cypher puzzle world quest on the wall in my living room. Can someone help me solve it?
Was letzte Vollsilikonbaby?
"The Earth Mother is tricking you" - what does it mean?
So apparently with Titanforging removed Blizzard thought that Corruption RNG wasn't enoughg so you can now get Legion Legendaries in Ny'alotha :D
Personal Quests with the same reward