Ubisoft goes all in
עוד מישהו מרגיש לא שייך?
Massively outjerked
Best Enclave gangbang screenshot?
[KCD2] New on the game, it's normal to feel useless, dumb and lost on this game?
why is my second settlement quest fucking somerville instead of oberland, oh my god fuck you preston if you weren't so hot i wouldn't do this.
יש פה מישהו שהצליח ללמוד ערבית מדוברת ברמה טובה ויכול להמליץ איפה להתחיל?
Struggling with tier 4? Wear proper atire! [KCD2]
[KCD2] Crackpot theory about Sir Valentine's Sword.
Me when I inject Psycho (Crack Cocain) and enter a raider dungeon (kindergarten) with my legendary melee weapon (lead pipe from gas station) and farm XP
This is one of the coolest action in the Fallout Fan animation
[KCD2] Foreshadowing
Anon gives up the hatred
Anyone else killed Sturges upon meeting him?
[Other] If they finish Henry's story in KCD3, what are your thoughts on playing as Old Henry. It would give WH a reason to reset our stats for a 3rd time at least.
Stop telling me to press LAlt [KCD2]
[KCD2] Warhorse swung for the fences with stealth in KCD1; in KCD2 they've knocked it out of the park
Why are Vaylt 81 men so caked up??
[KCD2] Anyone else's adventuring & charisma outfits have to match?
[KCD2] How do you feel about switching between Henry and Godwin?
Hackers from Anonymous have revealed Elon Musk's disturbing steam library
Anon get priorities straight on interracial marriage
Watermark of Shame
Can some one please explain this book on Vitality to me xD Seems the author might be trying to tell us something. [KCD2]
[kcd1] is it normal that people keep dying in rattay
I’m thinking Fallout 75 or Fallout: Tactics, New New Vegas; Brotherhood of California personally.
What would you title the next Fallout game?