Joshua Block on the Gobcast?
What keeps you alive?
Alcoholic drink you had before and refuse to drink it again?
Smokin a cig, drinking monster outside of Walmart at 3 am
I have a crestion about root beer
Reddit fuckin testin my patients
Miami Shake
I could feel his presence as I passed through the cursed city.
Marb 72s
Daniel has been kinda boring lately so here’s a face reveal lol
My gf made me this card for my birthday
I can’t get a Joblin
found this guy on instagram, he’s very likely a pedo.
Life of luxury
How to deal with meltdowns
What was the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you in college?
Yinz know
I love Danderson sm
What do you do when youve worn out everything you can do to cope and nothing is enough anymore but you cant get the thing you need. (Tw neglect, graphic descriptions of sh, suicidal thoughts and violence?)
Diagnosed 6 years ago had my first panic attack at work for the first time in years.
How do you deal with being triggered
I wasn't gonna drink tonight, but I miss him like a MF
How many of you have/had routine fights with your parent(s)
Jake fancast