02 A hardcore+ nuzlocke of every game: Pokémon Blue
How far can Shanks go?
Read this if you're using or have used prescription Azelaic Acid and have/had problems
Has anyone done a nuzlocke with these rules before on youtube?
Those who use both prescription Tretinoin and Azelaic Acid 15%, what is your routine like?
What is possible with the Copenhagen Theme [Customization]
No one cares if you’re depressed
What would you expect from a 1 star difficulty character and what do you hope are some of the difficulties in playing them?
How do you avoid this ult?
Super counter battles are the new vanish wars.
So….i think they’re listening
Sure, try it again. 👍
I’m lost
What do you guys think of my team?
The winner after a time out is now whoever did more damage. 5 Man stall teams officially dead?
Now, I don't know if this is a cheese, but it was funny! (Ranked mode)
What playing rank mode does to a mfer.
So, what's the counter for this
Why do people leave the game?
Can you guys stop using ranked?
So, Android 18 can start every round off with unblockable Destructo discs?
New grill
Is this the new meta?
Mostly joking, but the amount of "OGs" that flex about having it worse just misses the point entirely. Such a weird hill to die on, we all just want a good game to be the best it can be
We paid 75-120 dollars just to hear sweats whining about who we main lol. Keep playing your favorites everyone