[PS4] W: team to run raids H: a couple hours
Anyone on looking to run raids on ps
H: Rejuvenator Mods W: Rangers Mods 1 for 1
[PS4] W: Reflector Mods H: gatling plasma swift core plan
[PS4] W: Rejuvenator mods H: Rare masks and assorted 4 star mods
[PS4] W: Gatling Plasma Stinging Core Plan H: Stuff
H:ability to make reflective W:offers
[PS4] H: pin pointers W: reflective
[PS4] H: 1-4 star Mods W: Pounders and rejuvenators
[PS4] H: Pin-pointers mod W: rejuvenators or reflectors
[PS4] W: Reflector or Rejuvenator mods H: various 4 star mods
[PS4] H: Quad Explosive Fatman W: Offers
H:Gatling Plasma Gamma Wave and Swift Plans, Reflective. W:Gatling Plasma Large Core Plan, Aegis/Rejuvenators/Conductors
[PS4] W: Rejuvenator or Reflecting mods H: 1-4 star mods
H: pounder W: 2 of limit breaker
[PS4] W: Pounders mod H: Various 4 star mods
[PS4] W: Rejuvenator mod H: various 4 star mods
[PS4] W: Bully legendary mod H: Various 4 star legendary mods
[PS4] W: Rejuvenator mods H: assorted 4 star mods
What are the most valued 4 star mods?
Legendary crafting is good but for now?
H:Arms Keepers(wwr) or Vampire’s mod W: Thru hikers mod
[PS4] H: Glowing Unicorn mask W: Unyielding ap refresh wwr scout armor
[PS4] H: Glowing SB Queen and Minotaur mask W: Excavator armor piece with jet pack
[PS4] H: Glowing SB Queen, Blue Devil, Minotaur, motorized butter churn W: Q5025 railway or unyielding ap refresh wwr scout armor