Saw GY!BE live yesterday, crazy event, but my question is, why the 2 drummers alternates their position? While doing so they even change some drum kits
does anyone know if Efrim/any of the guys ever sign stuff or talk to fans after their shows?
can you guess my album ranking
I have the same amount of listens for OK Computer and In Rainbows
Has anyone else not yet listened to the leak?
Is there a “best” Sigur Ros track?
Best all-in-one absolutely disgustingly distorted delay pedal for shoegaze?
Oh how I hope Dallas gets a live trax
Glastonbury Prediction
Songs never played live
who has the best music taste out of me and my 5 friends?
I really needed EIPL
Two tix for sale for tonight
New album….
i hope this is OK- meant to be a 1930's style cartoon- please let me know if you think it's awful ...
Show Review Sacramento 3.1.25
Are they selling the grinders this tour?
any other artists like Big Thief I could add to this alt country playlist?
If Flying Lotus and a rapper did a collab EP, who would you want the rapper to be? (My choices)
Discounted tickets available for several west coast shows
Song Discussion #126: Shotgun
Am I missing anything??
Does anyone else think Noctourniquet was the band's finest hour?
What's your 'I'll die on this hill' opinion about the band?
The Avalanches just posted this video of Trump talking about palestine to instragram and tagged radiohead and u2