90s Mcmansion. There's CARPET UP THERE.
Found a joint in Adoration Chapel
Had a few too many
Probably thinking about food 👄
Close is open
Toby's baby mobile above his crib.
"Can't take it anymore!" "Losing our minds!!" 🥵
It was always clear she had some work done but this is terrifying
Fake ass exploding breasts.
Old lady admits to hit and run on Facebook group. Thinks it was a mexican swan dive scam.
What song instantly requires max volume!
It's in the hips
Wedding Tuxes
That's a Two Car Garage?
Tv too high and framed
Munch is the man
Episodes That Were Actually Written by Someone's Paranoid Aunt from Facebook?
Attention to detail
How’d I do?
Oh. So THAT'S what tip-baiting is! (re: Seattle PayUp, Uber mad >:( )
The impossible to get to areas drive me nuts.
Chritsmas gift from me to me 😍 Now I have to find where to place it… I didn’t realize it was that big 😅
Horrific Suicide on Camera - R. Budd Dwyer