Am I missing any?
The Scarecrow: Pick 1 of these characters to represent the title in DBD
Ultimate Impossible Skill Checks
Most unwarranted nerf in DBD history:
Why does no one use The Clown?
Just played Freddy for the first time in forever
Scratch mark changed , nerfing survivors by making them way easier to track
My Opinion
Weekly No Stupid Questions Thread
worst killer to play against?
New player!
The Ghoul is OP in his current state
Is Hag actually really strong?
Fov for survivors
What I would like to be changed on Freddy
Undone is badly designed.
Tomorrow chaos shuffle returns!
If NOLB gets its BP bonus removed, what other effect would you add or buff?
Genuinely asking here
Is there a site that you can use to see builds?
If you could change one thing about the lore what would it be
Based on what do you choose your survivor main?
Killers you enjoying playing against that others don’t?
why do my killer games feel so... boring?
Survivor mains, what is the most miserable killer to against in your opinion? (SM excluded)