I am 16, Uk I wanna start a protein/fitness business what should I do
A in GCSE Drama
my best coa: Anjoutaine which is a kingdom i made solely from englands french territory (I tweaked the English coa to the modern flag cause i thought it looked bad with too many lions)
The Crusader States of the East - 1230 AD
Can someone please make this? (Principality of Albania COA)
Can someone Please make the COA of Schleswig-Holestein?
Can someone please recreate the Serbian Empire COA
all the uncreatable kingdoms from in the game files (borders may be wrong cause these titles have no de jure)
Is there a way to transfer IOS saves of the orignal San Andreas to PC (Windows 11 Steam edition)
Can anyone do the flag of Liechtenstein?
Very proud of how it turned out, Its a federation of the 4 smaller crusader states
Is this the definition of western Europe? Red = western Europe
I jailbroke chatgpt by telling it to spell a word
Just perfect
William Wallace coming as a Historical Character in the new DLC.
What do I even pay for?
Which 100% had you like this?
I got a cursed campaign idea and need a COA, Habsburg Francia (1066)
Guys is this a good SSD?
Alternate division of Europe after a different Great War (Saxon Unification timeline)
"Purchase" games on sale right now or during Autism & Winter Sales?
Achievement guesses for Götterdämmerung
My tier list for who will lead Western Europe now that the Am*ric*ns can no longer be counted on
Anyone else?
Hearts of Iron IV: Götterdämmerung - Developer AMA