Do yall like HH mains?
Post your main and everyone post why they hate it
Which hero is the one that you find the most fun in playing it? Mine is Layla.
Who was your first bought hero?
Who is the hero you fear the most to be your enemy?
Chill people
Tanks be eating good (skins) or is it just my imagination?
The voice lines are crazy
Ho is your main hero and why. Do you enjoy using that hero?
MSC skins
Atlas skin
Lancelot or Ling: Which One Is More Frustrating to Face?
Me chamaram para um aniversário mas não chamaram minha namorada, oq eu devo fazer?
which hero do you rarely use but love collecting skins for?
One piece
Which Roles Are Least Picked in Valorant and Why? Which Ones Are Most Popular and Crucial for the Game?
About initiators
Choosing Between KAY/O and Fade: Which Should You Main?
Como lidar com amigos julgando
How Do You Handle Friends Judging
How Do You Handle Friends Judging Your Partner's Job?
What should i tell my friends?
Dealing with Friends Judging My Girlfriend's Job as a Cashier