Why do so many of you want a seafaring DLC?
The next DLC will not be about diplomacy, cars, sea or anything of that sort, and we need to accept it
Show case.
About Gauranlen trees.
Defense against Siege attackes
Favourite moment
I just bought ideology dlc , what now ?
New to Bg1
Melee weapon question?
Are YOU in your colony?
The mod we all need
A Made God who can act as a campaign-scale villain in Arcem: Unabara, Swallower of Sun and Moon, Deathwyrm of the West Wind
First deck
I should really read the cards twice to understand them
How to play midrange black deck
About the shop or other purchases?
Might be the most interesting map I've found in Rimworld
My second colony
Would this setup work for insta-killing raids?
Armor question
Beginnings of my first colony after my return
Oceanbound - my small pirate colony
First time i play a colony with a real story.
I returned to Rimworld and don't get a grip on the two last dlc
relatively new player - first time getting 7 wins - is quick draft a good way to farm gems if I want to avoid spending cash?