If you can choose a monster from Gamera to be the best friend of him, who do you choose?
Which unit is your personal fav no matter what the meta may think of them?
Godzilla is big attack in the creatures the huge. this godzilla minus two (2045-2047)
How it feels to not use meta units
Jw rebirth concept art
Has Imagine Dragons helped you find something about yourself?
Give him ONE reason not to destroy the Earth.
I found him!!
Art by @naototsushima
If Gamera was designed after any type of real life turtle, what type of turtle would you like to see him resemble? I’m thinking sea turtles because we see him swim in the ocean and he was created by Atlanteans in the Heisei trilogy.
Use what you want
The twins must be singing 👯
I captured an aurora in Iceland, what shape do you see?
Sticker spammer
What you guys think about shredder and the foot clan being the number one haters of school idols and make and event named "hate death" and then Muse and Aquours have to stop them. I think they would be perfect as love live villains
Which one would you rather take(Part 3)
10th match in a row Fighting Shin & Rio duo
What are your yuri hot takes?
Thoughts on Black Doom?
Do any of you remember Moguera?
Hey, if you're here: Thanks for being the only creative team without Shin Leader or RioGoji I've had this season
Worst egg battle so far.
Kaiju Vote Out Day 29: FinalGoji lost the war!
Theory: The unidentified T. Rex in the trailer and the D. Rex are the missing two individuals from the original batch
Been making some original stickers out of boredom, hope those are fun!
Should the anime be rebooted?