Is the hellSpawn complete collection worth getting.
Most Underutilized Character in TDI History
What do you think Merus’s role would be if he finished his training.
Do you ever wonder what happened to Josh?
Do you think we'll see Shantae's Mom anytime soon?
Why was everyone acting like Bobby was in the wrong for not wanting to get beat up?
How to start?
Best way to get into spawn
If you were to date any contestant in total drama who would it be
Team Uniforms (No School or Sports Uniforms)
Can I read just gunslinger spawn and ignore the spawn universe line?
Worst thing that's ever happened to D.J.?
How strong do you think Duu and Kuu are compared to Buu
A moral dilemma
How do I read spawn
No way bro, is Mark that strong??
Does anyone know why this is happening?
What’s the difference from these two other than the cover
Machines continuing to do a job long after the deaths of the people who gave them it
Which Shantae game do I start?
Looks like Spawn might not be making an appearance in Invincible
If Izzy ever competes again, how far would you like her to go in the game?
Characters who find out they are fictional
Which school of thought is better in the TD universe? #2