I think they ruined Haze! (A opinion on the nerf)
Is Shiv a monkey or human? (Need to know)
Abrams with possible Barney the Dinosaur relation?🦕
Tips for newcomers of Deadlock?
Valve, it is time to add a fart bind to this game
Something about Vindicta's feet. . .
The beautiful Abrams face change was a failed experiment, its time to change it back!
The current soul orb mechanic doesn't feel good (A "Serious" discussion and going more in depth on the issue).
[TOMT] Help finding a early 2020s kid song
The Vindicta feet theory 🦶
Abrams and Vindicta design inspired by smurf? (Comaprison)
[TOMT] Need help finding 2020s Russian girl boy song
Can gasoline droplets be harmful to you when in contact?
The Soul rebirth removal was a failed experiment, it's time to bring it back!
I know this is a stupid question
Which deadlock hero could fart the most?💨 (Serious discussion and study)📝
Question about the comn restriction system?
[TOMT] Need help finding an 70s or 80s music video
Did Deadlock copy Paragon?
What complex dance moves could Shiv perform? (A dance discussion🕺)
[TOMT] Need help finding this 3d animated series about a bathroom character and electronic people.
I feel offended in some sort of way 🙏
Awesome Idea! Possible br game mode to this game!
Suggestion for possible future gamemodes of Deadlock
[TOMT] need help remembering this show I forgot the name of