In PS3 Ps Store there's GOW ascension and GOW ascension ultimate edition? Should I get a regular one or ultimate? Is there any point in getting ultimate?
Graphic audio Book version
Dr found 3 inner hemorrhoids, but I'm afraid it is something worse
Is Sons Of Ares cannon?
The problem
Red God or GTA 6
Sons of ares Vol 4?
Hero Forge Darrow O'Lykos
Darrow hair color
Darrow Mini
Official art for 3d printing?
How I pictured Darrow’s razor
What game best emulates the Traveler aspect that is currently out?
Minimal Stormcast Spearhead army?
WildStar just showed up in my wishlist
Best heroforge designs?
Why are there no more figures for Red Rising?
Hot take: After Image Strike should be removed entirely
Thor and Sigrid in season 2
Games with brutal funkills like GOW and space marine
My first two vindicators, wanted to share and get some advices for the future
/r/Politics' 2024 US Elections Live Thread, Part 63