What lexapro do to you?
Kids at shows?
Guys name this little fellow, the more funnier the more better.
People are telling me to get a nose job - would it make me more pretty?
Phone question. 6th grader, turning 12. Need mobile for staying in contact. Concerned about text safety. How did a flip phone work for you vs. a teen smartphone.
AITAH? Touchup
how did u guys meet ur bfs?
Adopted my second dog today, my dog's gender is male, he really loves to play and cuddle. Any name suggestion would be a great help
A friend sent these pictures asking if I knew what this is. Anyone have any guesses? I'm stumped
Name this boy!
I've got hairy werewolf shoulders. wtf can I put here
Anyone on here use blue sky?
What profession would you never date?
Getting two new babies help me name them (black is a boy other one is a girl)
Any ideas what this girl is?
name my new puppy!! we’re at a loss
The wife of another tattooer in town passive aggressively posted about how I tattoo, saying my lines are too light to heal nice. First two pics are fresh, last two are healed.
What would you name her?
My fine line guitar 4 years later
Reddit! I need help to name my sweet girl 🥰🥰
What are you taking that drastically has helped your OCD?
Are my eyes considered to feminine for a guy? My eyelashes have always naturally been upturned and long. Often women compliment them but guys I know say homophobic slurs.
AITAH for refusing to babysit my boyfriend’s child?
Teens driving full sized truck?
Looking for a name for this sweet girl