What happened on willowdale?
How are my fellow newbies doing?
Almost zero friction!
Made a weak aura to spin your camera for the whole duration of Ravager's Bladestorm
Kodiak bear eating a salmon. They don’t kill them, but just hold them down and tear chunks as soon as they’re caught
Pre level 80 bgs
Need a horde priest on Lone Wolf for new rune
This genuinely made me grin. Guys surprising their best friends!
Loot after 1000 blueprints wings
What you call this?
Texts from my Dad
Having a vasectomy tomorrow. Feed me with all the jokes
This is a common occurrence on my server, what exactly is happening?
I finally got my first char to lvl 100, what to do now
Some beautiful replacement copper pipes
This car parked in four spots
What is the WORST name for my new kitten?
Any indepth Flicker Strike guides?
This is one of Blizzards best customers
I got dreadlocks, What do you think guys? Be honest
The amount of bowls my 3 kids go through in 3 days 🤬
3.23 Name reveal
Existence is pain.
A son like father.