How do you guys think this game could make a comeback?
I despise this competition and the board can suck it!
Persona 4 Remake could launch Day One on Game Pass
2025 Worldwide Console Sales So Far
PS5 Pro Disc Drive
"Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain" has the weirdest playable intro of any PS5 game!
What is your message to those who don't like horror games ?
Reminder: If you have Amazon Prime - get your Free (Xbox) Games!
Where to buy the official PlayStation usb cable?
AC: Shadows on PS5?
Can I put my PS5 here without overheating?
Only way to upgrade is to pay full price?
Fascist ads?
Daily Echos Alfie Houses' poll results regarding future of Ivan Juric
Assassin's Creed Shadows - PS5 Pro vs PS5 Review - One Of The Best Upgrades For The System
Crazy to think I was jealous of this hire back in the day 💀
PlayStation's New First-Party Studio Is Called Dark Outlaw Games
So, is there any updates about Wukong on the Xbox?
Do exclusive games matter ? What is your opinion about the recent things Microsoft has been implementing
Assassin’s Creed Ezio Collection still worth it PS5?
Assassin’s Creed Ezio Collection still worth it on PS5?
Adam Blackmore's post match tweet following 2-1 defeat at home against Wolves
Visiting Naughty Dog ?
Purchased the last one it looks like. Can't wait!
I really like this Elite series 2 color layout and wanted to share it.