Has anyone elses parents or family members gone their whole lives without ever really investing?
Tomi forgetting how she became famous.
do u think im babygirl worthy
Tub repair
Low voltage is a joke. Biggest regret is not picking a better trade.
He still pays a lot of taxes
Landlords and real estate are raising prices in the LA area to make profit of people who lost everything
Canada is ranked #5 in the world for quality of life. The US is ranked #22.
Alright Trump, how about a diplomatic compromise solution?
Anyone else’s mom watch too many infomercials in the 80s/90s?
Prime is a joke
I met a canucks player when i was little. idk who he is
"I felt like a Nazi... it looked exactly like we were actually the Nazis and they were the Jews" - Israeli newspaper, Haaretz, publishes testimonies from Israeli soldiers
Charge him to court.
The dog just wouldn't let go.
Buying energy from shady despots—what could go wrong?
White woman calls a black guy the n-word, then spits on his wife at a fair in Chicago
Switch sucks what a disappointment
Which life hacks/diy tricks actually worked for you guys?
Their first stage plan on turning America into an idiocracy
Olympic Breakdancer Raygun Isn't Actually Retiring
Men will be men
From Canada: I am utterly disgusted 🤦♂️
Americans give second term to convicted rapist, fraudster octogenarian with a VP compared him to Hitler
Windstorm hitting the coast today