Why do Israelis ask me to take pictures of them with my camera?
Joining the IDF while almost 24 and engaged?
My first Siddur, a beginning to my sefarim collection
Beer & Bamba
Free volunteer programs for 4 months?
Today in Jerusalem
All the countries I’ve been to so far in order by flag patch (missing Switzerland & Belgium)
Is it legal to have such an old license plate?
Tattoo the whole note or just “Live youre Life to the Foolest every day be happy”
Help😭 my pothos started drooping out of nowhere, what is happening??
Posted #BringThemHomeNow on my IG and had an old “friend” from high school drop me. I’ve been posting weekly about Israel since 10/7. What’s a good response?
Why do y’all buy deodorant from the US and bring it to Israel?
How often do y’all use this? Just bought it and the directions are very lax
Fun and cheap things to do in the winter?
Is my pothos happy? I love how it looks, but don’t want it to eventually stop growing
Someone told me Leo would fit in here…
Whenever I see other Jews out wearing kippahs, I regret not wearing mine
Giant pothos
After 2 hours of shelling Siquijor island
Has anyone successfully made Aliyah with their plants?
Made it to the Gili Islands
Collectors, do you use all your Thinkpads or just throw them in a pile?
Look who I found on my night walk
Wrapping tefillin all day for October 7th
Newest plate for my international collection: Indonesia