Made a fantasy map of the Hong Kong MTR (why is the geography of this city so weird bruh drawing that water was such a pain)
Made a map of the Shanghai Metro except everything is romanised from Shanghainese instead of Mandarin
Map of the Canton Metro by 2028 except all the place names are romanised from Cantonese instead of Mandarin (finished)
Made a map of the Shenzhen Metro by 2025, except everything was romanised from Cantonese instead of Mandarin (with 2 exceptions, first one to notice both wins a grand prize of... nothing)
Are you an insta lock or a fill player? Put why in the comments
Dr Strange should not suffer a full-length ability cooldown if his portal fails to go off
Who is the biggest counter to ur main and how do u counter that
Honestly, Loki passive should've been if you kill a clone, the death icon will show on the top right as if you kill the real loki, and the clone will even fall down as if you kill him. Woulda add to his trickery more and his habit of faking deaths
Should've just kept the name as Crossrail
Playing hulk is miserable
This Portral Bug is absolutely HORRENDOUS
Why does the Chinese Wikipedia only show the Italian translation of 'Latin alphabet'? Do they consider Italian to be more Romance than Spanish or French? Are they stupid?
Why are Cloak and Dagger so popular?
How i read internet acronyms/abbreviations
What would you say somethings marvel rival does better and worse than overwatch
Spider-man's uppercut hitbox is about to be my 13th reason.
Unique Skins Icons - Concept
The Rocket hate is unreal
When do people actually become decent teammates?
I made a Jeff Skin Concept based on his Comic Design!
This Clone Rumble Mode is a Disgrace!!!!
Iron man please just switch its not worth it.
I still think Luna’s ultimate lasts way too long
The Worst Song at a Funeral
The thing is one of the best tanks in the game