If you could fix/remake the Five Nights at Freddy’s books. What would you do and why?
Are people still posting their wishlists? Here's mine even if I'm late to the party
Made a secret of the mimic bingo card ahead of it's release
The Ghoul mori
Chassis battery drains fast
DBD categories wishlist
Help vehicle won't start
how come people talk/Listen to Darkest Desire, but not Darkest Desire's 2?
Please epic give me my v bucks back
Something I noticed,that’s sad
Just an idea: What if the kids in the game's universe saw William as Fredbear rather than Spring Bonnie like in the other continuities.
If you had to make a Suicide Squad like Sinister Six movie, who would you pick for the team
Is this William with BV and Micheal?
Another FNaF x DbD concept. The Dredge
Who's this ? (Wrong answers only)
Guys I don’t think Helpy is okay 🙏
Anbody else notice this in the Logbook?
If I hear "You can't expect to win them all" ONE more time i'm going to flarking lose it.
Anyone know what this means?
The events of BVrunaway play out almost exactly the same as we see in The Twisted Ones.
I’ve joked about “MarkSammyEmily” before, but time for a serious theory: Could Markiplier’s Character in FNaF AR Be Mr. Burrows?
If Scott announced a FNAF TV show that took place in Animatronica, would you be ok with it or not?
When it comes to Flaf what maps/cars/characters do you want to see in it?
Do you think the MCU should just make these tv shows canon and continue them
Battlepass disappeared