Anyone else absolutely love this queen?
People being rude
“Always”: HP v HG
which promo is ur fave?
So… Sam’s personality change throughout the series. I wanna talk about that.
(Male Server) I get catcalled a lot, but this one takes the cake
Am I overreacting?
Do we know where this scene was shot?
Twilight Dinner Party - Eat the food the same time its on screen
Is kissing on the mouth an intimate act?
The phases of Dean
Richmond Gymnastics Association
What are the funniest nicknames you call your cats?
Why the finale felt right to me - a personal perspective
My (30M) fiancé watched Wicked and his running commentary was too good not to share
What's your favorite Dean outfit?
Did anyone else get kinda triggered…
Deans Predecessor
If I can go on a hunt with Sam and Dean
iwtl the smallest habit you adopted that ended up having a huge impact on your productivity?
Recovery tips?
Katniss and Peeta were dating and didn’t realize it
Ideas on improving the “it was all a simulation/ dream” trope?
If you were given a choice to install a symbolic statue in Richmond, what would you choose?
When Buffy said to Spike she loved him at the end, did she mean it?