Season 10 premiere was one of the best
Superman lifting the Daily Planet globe is iconic to me
this is where the shift would’ve started happening
One of my favorite panels from “Justice”
How often do you think this line to yourself?
How much is the reshoot and how much is the original version?
Love Lois but….
Do you think the "Crisis on Infinit Earth scene" ruin the show ?
Bateman vs Batman State Farm commercial was dope! Ik it’s not a DC project but it looked like a professional one that you would see in the DCEU
I wish we got a whole comic series with Tom Welling as Superman from Alex Ross
Would’ve been cool to see black trench coat Clark vs white suit Lex
In praise of Smallville sfx
Alex Ross Superman model
Why does Charlie Cox actually look blind?
The closest we got to a live action Justice League show
New look at María Gabriela de Faría (The Engineer) on set of ‘Superman’
John Stewart gets his ring back -Justice #10
Do you think Alexander’s story was planned from the start of season 10? It kind of felt like they pivoted.
What’s your favorite Smallville artifact?
It's unfortunate that Wolverine and X-Men got canceled but which of these two shows did you enjoy the most?
Batman says Superman uses fear like him
My only problem with The Incredibles 1. Stratogale death. She was just a teenager
I think of the top right one as the Smallville Superman emblem
“Oh, word”—catchphrase of young, hip writer Brian Griffin
Some alternate Superman Returns logos (from concept artist Thom Schillinger)