Moments before Oda’s role model died their final message was showing disappointment and pity towards Oda and One Piece.
Once you notice the illusion you can’t unsee it, there is no going back to suspending your disbelief for immersion.
One Piece’s ending is most likely going to destroy the internet more than GOT, AOT, and Naruto combined
Prediction: the next chapter 1121 will end the message
Slander Oda all you want, but don't say unhinged shit like this over a drawing
The last 6 years is worse than most shounen.
Onepiece Chapter 1120 Spoilers
How can Loda make each chapters worse than the previous one ?
It took momo 10 months of crying till he could produce clouds for Onigashima.
Do you think Bandai will FINALLY give us a good One Piece game in the near future?
Looks like Atlas might die here. Edison's fate seems unknown, he may die or already be dead too. What do you think? Is Lilith joining the crew? If she does, what would you think about it?
Do you still take the story seriously despite their butts being in your face nonstop?
It’s a retcon otherwise Bonney would turn blackbeard into a kid or he would negate her age change.
Katakuri is 48 years old, was undefeated and never fell on his back.
How are peoples haki strong when they are cowards who hide for decades and never fight top tiers?
How come people must use headcanon to defend the writing and ignore dialogue and pictures?
After Big Mom fought Kaido for 3 days she tells law and kidd she hasn’t felt this much pain in decades.
The Boys (for whatever reason) end up Japan, What heroes can they take out and how long can they last?
Oda can NOT draw this for another 5+ years when he struggles to draw TODAY.
Was Uro fully naked here?
The PROBLEM isn't how much he attacks....It's him ATTACKING AT ALL
No one in this god damn manga will come out unscathed.
The people still defending this manga are something else.
Don’t worry Oda, we know what you are interested in!
If current Usopp replaced his pre-timeskip version in the story, nothing would change.