To the people who say Rock Music Sucks Now
Why are people obsessed with magnesium?
How to always be happy?
I'm at my wits end with Phorid flies due to a broken sink pipe in my kitchen. Now there's dozens of them dotted on the ceiling
Does anybody else have “exploding head syndrome”
DAE tip more than 20% for a haircut?
what did old bands have/do that newer bands just don’t anymore
Mediocre but famous and successful band.
What band should just retire?
What is your favorite song?
If you could see one band in their prime, who would it be?
What's the worst Rock Music video of all time? My vote goes for this, though it is a great song ...
Best group beginning with: "The"
Why is rock music today so awful?
Were those stranded astronauts permitted to self-pleasure themselves or have sex?
What's something physical about men, that women won't understand.
That senior parent phenomenon of "show timing"
What is your favourite song by Oasis?
Favorite Radiohead song?
How many of you like krautrock, and how did you discover it?
Dustin Hoffman & Rue McClanahan, 1968
How common is it to fart at home by pulling down the back of their pants/underwear so the odor doesn't stick to the fabric?
DAE feel animosity from other coworkers because management gives you special privileges?
Budweiser early entry into the pit
What's the best approach when you start seeing poop stains on the toilet seat?