Hurt the US Tech Oligarchs by unsubscribing
Hoe do you feel about bullying Canada?
To be a funny Zionist
To make it look like fully funding Israel is strong and brave.
Does anyone WANT "agentic" interfaces?
Too many Indians (in Berlin)
Is lack of education to blame for the rise of the AfD?
To take a victory lap over the German election results while the party Trump, Musk and Vance supported lost
Was Michael Jordan appreciated during his prime years, or did the appreciation came after his retirement?
To rage bait americans
Should I take heed of the anti-immigrant wave and give up on my plans to be a highly-skilled migrant in Germany?
What is context service for?
CPQ/RLM experience
Why I should move to RLM (Revenue Lifecycle Management)?
Unsettling Experiences at a Job Fair – Did I Do Something Wrong?
As a german graduate but non-citizen „Fachkraft“ should I be worried about my future here?
New to German politics: if AFD did win as a minority or formed a coalition what exactly can they get away with and what can they not from a legal and constitutional standpoint?
A woman publicly expresses her hateful views with pride, while callously mocking the families devastated by current immigration policies.
To build an objective AI assistant. Same question about two different world capitals, two very different answers.
Absolute delusion
Current Salesforce scenario
Should I leave the country I’ve been living in for the past 8 years?
Why houses in Germany are so susceptible to schimmel (Mold) ?
Public executions for immigrants by immigrants!
Jesus being led by Roman soldiers through the streets of Jerusalem to be crucified on Calvary Hill, 33 AD