Are we forgetting that How strong this guy is in Hulk mode?
The most asked question Bouya vs Guriko
5 CxW characters who have the nickname mad dog
These 2 don’t get enough love on here.
Ferry Irwandi (TIDAK) Baik-baik Saja! .
Sorry guys im a big fan of Renji so im bias toward him.Hear me out, senior Renji is very close to hideoyoshi or they both might have a stro g aura
Sebenarnya jenis kepemimpinan apa yang diharapkan oleh oposisi di Indonesia?
Where was the Iba-Gumi factiong during Hana's first and second year?
Hanazono Kanata in Hiroshi's artstyle by me
Viral Demo Aksi menolak UU TNI di depan gedung DPRD Kota Malang dan Penyerangan medis oleh aparat polisi di Malang, Jawa Timur pada Minggu 23 Maret 2025
For those who’ve seen the QP tv show, how was it ?
How safely protest 2025 edition? Indonesia
This is probably by far the craziest fan theory/opinion I've ever encountered
Prabowo: Harga Cabai Rawit Turun, Tapi Jangan Terlalu Banyak Makan Pedas
Piye kabare?
Wait wait Huckleberry said that Hana will lose to Bulldog. Is this true guys let me know cause i never think of this, maybe i miss something.
Kenapa sebagian orang terobsesi dengan ijazah Jokowi?
Here's the evidence swinging the chain, i found it
Apakah di masa depan nanti ada kemungkinan ada peristiwa seperti ini di Indonesia?
Protests againts erdogan in istanbul today
A guy who Ryushin beat easily and made Bull sweat? Who was he talking about?
Aint no way theres people on this sub that believe Genji won against Rindaman on their last match. What madness is this
During Indonesia's 1965 communist sweep, men were waiting to be sentenced to execution.
nenenthestick and ghostrayus literally argue whos stronger, Tatsuo or Bisuko. Who's opinion we should support guys?
Chaeyoung is one of the prettiest women in kpop idc