I've been playing this game a little over a month and just hit the best shot I probably ever will.
Gameplay Footage Of Sony's Last Soul Aside Running On PlayStation 5 Pro
Any tips for a noob?
Official wtf moment
Something really unnerving happened two nights ago and IDK wtf it was
I decided to pray in KCD2 but Mutt had different plans lol
This is Crazy!
Brain Stimulation Study Hints at Psychic Abilities in Humans
Banned from zero servers
Poor choice of words Power
The only view a dog cares about
Day 223 (Da Rule)
Ibex, a wild mountain goat
I Captured A Unusually Bright Star.
To the chillest cannibal I ever met
Horizon Ignited - Prison of My Mind
Ever been in this situation? 💀
Something really unnerving happened two nights ago, IDK wtf it was.
Kobeni Emotes I made feel free to use em : D
I'm back in Schalag, this time, 1v5 but I won! Killed 4 and one ran away.