Ordering this as a tapestry for my door
How do Hellenists perceive Buddhism?
Chosen one the child maybe
Roses are red, you can buy them precut
Roses are red, a ruby is a gem
Who wins
Taking a break from this community
We all feel like that sometimes.
World domination is on the line. Who survives long enough to claim it?
Christian Supremacy
Is this not disrespectful??
The notes said they left a cash tip by the door.
Prayers to the Theoi
Why did my battery have an orgasm?
Say something nice about Maddie
Orphic Hymns (all) recited Ancient Greek series
What do y’all call this suit?
Who's winning?
Hekate misinformation
Nepo babies that are more talented than their parents?
Personification and the Gods
My Boyfriend Put Holi Colours in my Vagina
"GEN Z would never understand" 💔🥀
Never Forget.