PSA to all Ranger players in Arena
Unfinished sorcerer; no support for regular casting
My primary way of playing Sorc has been massively buffed
Sorcerer vs Wizard
Bow nerf when?
When are they going to do something about Druid?
Breakthrough needs an animation/effect to show uptime
why is the main game mode turned off right now?
Would You Still Play?
I'm fine with the mpb cut if.....
I'm having a hard time picking a main and it's keeping me from consistently playing this game.
Are You Looking Foward Non-Minted Unique/Named Items Arenas
Who are your guys favorite gay male character in movies/tv?
Wizard spells feel awful in PvE
How are you adapting to the MPB curve changes?
Fun fact: The ranged class (A ranger) can still 1-shot max armor defense master fighters no matter their health pool w/ shotgun
why is the class which is spezialized in long range fights the strongest in close range?
Guys - can we just admit that solo HR lobbies have always sucked?
Making HR Trios only is a great idea since they refuse to actually balance Solos.
Wen Patch?
just lost a 1 year friendship because of being gay
I can’t believe it’s another Thursday without a patch.
free accounts should have access to all game modes
Continous Dungeon and Fog of war make Hot spots unexistent
Ironmace: do not reset arena MMR