What was your epidural experience?
When did you actually give birth?
Our plan was to abort no questions asked. But now I’m questioning it.
Sudden protein in pee at 28 weeks..
When is your due date?
Students in Antenatal appointment
When did you *know* you were pregnant compared to when you finally tested positive?
What was your aha moment to realize your parent was abusive?
Whats your zodiac sign and what zodiac sign are you giving birth to?
I lost my baby
What do you miss the most? I'll go first.
This is embarrassing but…
Terrified of Miscarriage
Miscarriage 💔
Constipation is getting worse
What are some of the marks you realized your nparent left on you?
Husband smacked my kid… help…
Giving birth all alone
Which symptom in your pregnancy do you dislike THE MOST?
How'd you feel after losing your virginity?
I’m finally pregnant again!
What is the silliest thing that has caused you to cry?
How many people have had one miscarriage and then had successful pregnancies?
When did you start feeling heavy in the belly?