It feels so hopeless with these Unit Tests that come from the district. They’re just hard for the sake of being hard, and it’s really stupid
Where would you have rather lived post Hammer Strikes?
This shit is inhumane
Went to a school job fair in the D.C area. A third of the applicants were former federal employees
Reasons for transferring schools in district
The trio finally becomes a quartet
What’s the thought process behind self- select honors classes? Just why?
Anybody else work at a school where a majority of the parents don’t speak English?
Jobs for former teachers?
What drives you to stay teaching?
Somebody talk some sense into me about starting Dupixent
Well it’s official. Most of my parents hate me
Attempting to rewrite the Campaign...
Being considerate to students who celebrate Ramadan?
How’d you feel about the school-arc?
Some Fan creations
The one time white-washing a character is a good move
For those feeling like life is a 1,000 lbs. barbell (all credit goes to Alethea Crimmins on TikTok)
What VA can you always recognize?
Admin.- “you need to be doing small groups and walking around”
What’s a Teaching Myth You Wish Would Disappear?
Has your family ever supported you like this when you practice at home? (all credit goes to thewashfam on IG)
Rest in peace Dizzy :(
Is it wrong that I want to work at an easier school?
Which is your favorite “not explicitly stated but obviously gay” character?