i want to look alike someone!!! who?
Should I wear tights or go without them? Which heels should I wear?
Do you notice the small flaw?
Please help
What's a film you watched that made you feel deeply uncomfortable?
i have a big roman nose and i’m not actually insecure about it i think it’s beautiful
This guy's mustache is crazy
My eyes are hazel, right?
My nephew refuses to go to our local park because he's terrified of this thing
I’m thinking of robbing a bank.
Help! Why are new leaves dying?
Queen B is the funniest book! What book is the most boring?
What perfume does this aesthetic smell like?
which 2 albums feel like sister albums to you and why?
Just got this tattoo on Friday. Is this just dryness or does it look like it may be infected?
this is the most random collab to ever exist lol
how to prevent mascara smudging on lids (hooded eyes)
I want this tattoo but I’m afraid of the effects
Did my tattoo take too long?
Should I be concerned?
Every dish my fiance "washes" looks like this.
Today's mascara! Too much or just right?