Why are wardens attacks so slow
Most underrated update in the y9 patch
Why doesnt ubisoft push tribute orders?
i didn’t know her zone could ledge
Controversial take: I like the new menu
Day 1 of asking for honor to improve warlords FullBlock
I really wish these weren’t only Battle Pass effects. They’re way too cool for it.
Alinor & Elsweyr themed houses in my Hall of the Lunar Champ (wish we had more item limits so we can furnish all 4 areas easily)
Warlord rework
There's absolutely NO way these Xenomorph changes can make it to live
What's the most satisfying sound in DbD for you?
Non Tokyo Ghoul fans, what are your thoughts on Ken Kaneki being in the game? What was your reaction to the announcement?
Isobel is Serana
What Crossover for Halloween Could Work?
What makes Nobushi Unbalanced?
Stratagem idea: Orbital Laser Barrage
What other QoL changes would you make in For Honor
Is this table true? Does it matter outside of top tier guilds?
Question to Aramusha players - opinions on the patch notes? I like the buffs a LOT, myself (although I'd like some stamina buffs too).
The new Knights armor variations are not new
The new UI change for feats cooldown is nice, but can we get rid of the feats unlock flash and the spinning start on the middle of the screen that hide enemy indicator ? Please and thanks UI team, because this is really annoying
General opinion on upcoming Y9S1 patch notes?
I wish there was a High Level/Skill matchmaking lobby..
Devs be like: What if we took Conqs tier 4, made it OP and then gave it to berserker instead?
Cool season. Now when Glad changes?