List of songs written by Brent?
If you could ask Axl any question, what would it be?
Best *band* starting with letter G?
What are ACDC most bluesy songs? Like The Jack, Meltdown, Show Business, etc
Rhythm + lead guitar during live concerts
Is it me or is Coke in a glass a MILLION times better than in the can ??!!
Hope the rumors are true about uncle Ben filling in!!
Jon Oliva Health
Brent Hinds leaves Mastodon after 25 years
Picked up a fresh copy of this masterpiece on vinyl today… What’s your favourite track?
Looks like Mastodon have decided to part ways with Brent
Share your favorites Brent Hinds Mastodon moments! Here’s one of mine: The Wolf is Loose @ Download 2007, the throat infection performance!
King Crimson - Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Pt. 1 (1973)
One Month Later: What does everyone think of Parasomnia?
An alternative to the official edited version of Larks pt.1
What is your DT unpopular opinion?
New listener - suggestions?
What do we think the chances of any more concerts
Wonder why they don't downtune I&W tunes?
Why does Awake sound so freaking good!?
Other Mangini Songs Portnoy Will Pick In Future Setlists?
What is your opinion on Blind Faith & The Great Debate?
Which of these would be most exciting to you as a way to cap off the final show of the 40th anniversary tour?
Unpopular opinion?