Countering a revenger counter
Bloody S and z rankers
Which characters are you most looking forward to (besides Daima)?
Is it wrong to say Beast Gohan has ruined this game?
How some of you mfs think the gameplay is supposed to be
What does my Top 3 say about me?
why did mrs sculptham leave her door unlocked?
Think wisely this could be the worst 3-24 hours of your life
I'm done being honorable
Bro you’re not deadass
What's the first movie that you think of when you see Matthew Lillard?
yeah so the new dlc looks like shit…
Favorite Princess Villain?
This is my “main” DP team. Rate it.
Ui ruins my clip with copyright music.
We all have our play style #RelentlessBackshot
SPEAK ENGLISH! Why is that not a law everywhere?!
NECA prices went up at BBTS
Picked up some Juice at Walmart
And now the Wombat kidnapper is blaming the Government…
Z broly vs kid buu
How would you communicate you want to beam clash?
Surprised i dont see nobody talking about regen
Super Saiyan 4 Goku full set (including Kamehameha)
Demon Team