what are some “millennial” tv shows/movies that you like?
Wrong answers only - what show is this, and what are they doing?
Amy is the best Total Drama Character, Its not fair that you all hate her yet love MK, Heather, Julia and Courtney It's NOT FAIR
Chapter 10 of Redemption is special! This one is Cody-focused! Now up! (AO3 Link)
Owen is so bi
Day 324 of drawing Julia until i stop procrastinating
With 7 votes, Jake is eliminated and is in 122nd place
With 4 votes, Jade is eliminated and is in 122nd place
Dumb Live Action Reboot Cast proposal (using mostly younger stars)
TOTAL RANDOM WT EP 7, kelly got eliminated and team amazon finally lose !, btw they go to Tokyo, japan
With 7 votes, Ellody is eliminated and is in 123rd place
This is a random question but do y’all think Zee will date someone by season three?
a canon couple should not be classified as a “ship”
With 5 votes, Ripper is eliminated and is in 124th place
Total Drama Reversal 9 ep.3
TOTAL DRAMA RANDOM ACTION EP 12, katie got eliminated due to a tie between her and lightning, and beardo wins immunity!
Weirdest college class you’ve taken?
With 6 votes, Katie is eliminated and is in 125th place
With 9 votes, Stephanie is eliminated and is in 126th place
With 6 votes, Pete is eliminated and is in 127th place
what is the worst theory about the show you have seen?
Total Anarchy World Tour Sign Up: Time for another season of Anarchy. Comment up to three characters and maybe a team name that you wish to be added for this season. Either inside or outside the show. 18 of the commented characters will be chosen at random to participate in this season.
Total Shuffled Island- Heather was eliminated. The Very Last Episode, Really! Chooses the winner of this season
With 6 votes, Oliver is eliminated and is in 128th place
Feeling very gender today☺️