How come they still cast actors/actresses that don't look alike as family?
Are Skyler and Marie really sisters?
Walt 's unintended conscious moments of honesty
Is that even legal?
The camera work in this show is SO GOOD.
Did Walter see Jesse as his son?
What's up with Hank and his rocks or whatever?
Could there be a real life Walter White?
This show def gives me good nostalgia
Ngl I would have lost that bet to Marie if I was Hank in the hospital
Was there a bigger hypocrite in the Breaking Bad Universe than Gus?
So, in your opinion, who had the most heroic death out of these characters, list them in order.
If Vecna chose you as his next victim, what song would save you?
What's it all mean?
Which Breaking Bad character are you?
Drive a like a geezer?
just finished the show 1st time
I really don’t like Jane personally
Which seat are you taking?
What if Hank ignored the clue in the book?
What is the general consensus of the fandom about Hank?
Ngl I was happy for mord
"What's it all mean"