Do i have to fight against „Lost Kin“?
Dneska na den přesně 5 let od uzavření školy v Česku kvůli Coronaviru... Pamatujete si, co jste tehdá v ten den dělali? Jaké jste měli cíle a jak moc jste je kvůli Covidu změnili?
Opinion on my Hollow Knight Whispering Root Tierlist
What tuning does Acid Bath play in?
How many times have you seen each movie?
Should I go to a concert alone
Is there any chance that Acid Bath will be in Europe?
Pes na volno na sidlisti?
Say the first game you played that made you realize games can be scary.
what about 4th of july?...and...the rest of the world?
I think I am starting USdefaulting, even tho I´m from Czech Republic
How many of you are actually going to switch to another brand if Samsung keeps this up?
Non-americans are foreigners apparently
Dancing is weird and kinda dumb tbh
Gay people were invented in the US
What was it like to suddenly hear Maynard on White Pony?
I actually think they’ll show a trailer today
I can’t beat watcher knights
What’s the main thing you’re pumped about with the Switch 2?
What was your music evolution?
Whales aren't beautiful
Riften but I made the trees really really big
To bar or not to bar?
Name the top 3 songs which has the best intro ever.
My fingers are too slow for these super fast hammer ons and pulloffs, please tell me how to increase my speed!