April 20th 4/20
No post - something brewing ?- thoughts ?
New post.
We will play game. First good answer kick it out..
[Request] How many peppermint candies in the jar? Work competition!
Our votes on Lewk have slowed down and Pepe frickin Unchained has now passed us, knocking us out the top 10! We cannot let this happen!! Vote now and vote again on any device or person available to you!!! You owe it to yourself!
New (great) Post!
We are 14 votes away on Lewk from making the top 10! Wrestle the nearest person to you to the ground, grab their phone and use it to vote! They will forgive you when you explain how important this is….I promise. 🙄
Hello Fellow sloth. How much have u spent on Slothana in total? 6k here total
Devs be like…
New post!!!!
What a bloodbath…
There can be only one..
It's me or there's like a smell in the distance taking over! Do you also feel the change that has happened, the turnaround in the situation? ...
SOON!! What will you do when $SLOTH does 1000x ??
new post
Offtopic- Where are you from?
Hopefully we will get some real News today🙏🏻🦥
Another one.
It's a matter of WHEN, not IF
Checkers House Brand Tuna Weight Discrepancy
No value