Bill Bailey once described NZ cheese as tasting like "the inside of a Tupperware box that cheese had been in at some point."
Holz-Werkstatt in Bonn und Umgebung gesucht
Was her signature pose inspired by Mary Kay? Not comparing character to be clear - just her posing with Romeo reminds me so much of this infamous MKL photo
Podcasts with intelligent, eloquent women
podcasts to listen to with my grandmother
Please help me find this spoon!
Tipps zum Essen bestellen in Godesberg
Nimbys oder berechtigter Einwand?
I Have Problem
To keep or not to keep
Stylevana is a scam - Do not get anything from them.
How do I make my living room look more cohesive?
Blowing the snow so my neighbours don’t have to shovel
Making DIY cabinets with Her Own Two Hands
Stop the economic weather waffle
Ärzte / Ärztinnen verschiedener Fachrichtungen gesucht
Safe to eat and drink at Western establishments?
The Kiwi kid who faces being deported to a country he’s never been to
🎉 1,000 Member Giveaway!!! 🎉
COTTAGE DIARIES | deep cleaning our cottage home to move in
wtf is this? 🤢
Final two options, which one?
A Place to Daydream, Create, and Brainstorm
Where would you put these stainless steel candle holders?