My cat went for dental surgery today and I’m scared
post a photo of your kitten's face so i can doodle ✍🎨
Show me your cat’s silliest facial expression to add to this doodle😋
Is this snore a little concerning?
Moles or hpv? Doctor said moles but following up with a dermatologist
My cat went nuts.
What is this? Suddenly appeared
STOP! This is the scrolling police! Before you continue scrolling, I demand a picture of the fiercest look your cat can put on..!
Diarrhea and vomiting, vet says he’s fine
Worried. Weird growth.
Should squamous keratosis be monitored?
What is this? I use a 1% topical steroid cream but it badly dries the skin out. It gets really itchy at night that it hurts. Little blisters of pus form on the area.
I’m making a “Where’s Waldo” style book but with cats. Post your cat and I’ll paint tiny pics until the page is full!
Is my itinerary doable?
Post braces is worse than actually having them.
My cats are fighting after years of living together
Cat will walk around and meow like this constantly all evening.
That beat drop!
help pleaseee. So conflicted with these two cute fur balls
Amsterdam canal rides in November! Very Exciting and wondering some questions
Visiting France for the first time, please give me some tips
10mg Valium for flying
Regretting getting a cat
Has anyone cured their dizziness?
Cat randomly attacking my other cat