[PS] H: g robot W: g mino g alien g uni
H: Crptid Tissue Sample MISC W: To do a giveaway
[PS4] H: indigo baseball bat lvl 5 W: 1 rangers mod
Fascnacht grind still not over ( Giveaway )
(PS) Glow Pig Giveaway!
I pausen på jobben idag hadde vi en lek om at alle skulle si hva de hadde gjort i helgen.
All I’ve wanted from the past two or three faschnaut events were the Loon. I’ve have yet to get them, I don’t care about any of the glowing mask, I just want the loon!
PSA: Glowing masks are 19 caps.
H: Glowing Steve Harvey (GHB), W: To Give Away to celebrate Fasnacht
3rd day of afking during school. Pick a number between 1 and 3600. Once again thanks to everyone doing the events while I afk :)
Here we go again, another mask during school time afk. Please pick a number between 1 and 7600.
Give away for Fasnacht
Afking during school got me this. Some People haven’t got a rare mask yet so thought I would give it away. Pick a number between 1 and 3000. I’ll use a random number generator, closest number wins. Thank you very much to the people doing the event while I’m away :)
[Ps4] H: Glowing Bigfoot mask W: Offers
[PS4] H: all mods W: leaders, sunshine oil, ll8, color bat, misc items, big guns or offers
[Ps4] H: pictured 1:1 for mods 2:1 for plans W: 3x rangers and 1x Pin-Pointers
[Ps4] H: mods W: leaders
H: Reclaimed Deep Mining Gas Mask W: to know if it’s worth anything.
[PS4] H: 2 pinpointers and 2 aegis W: 2 Rangers
[Ps4] H: 2 Rangers/3 Pounders/3 Polished/Pin Pointers/2 Limit Breaking/2 Aegis Mods W: Caps
H: Ultracite Calibrates Shocks Plan and Nuka Dark Recipe W: 40 Leaders per or 70 for both
Sharing Fixer Plans
[Ps4] H: Glowing blue devil and glowing turkey W: rangers, reflective, ultracite calibrated shocks offer
[PS4] W: 1 strength** H: mods
[PS4] H:mods W: pounders mod