Was caster druid ever a problem?
incendiary Corps? Fear those engineers in their lines
"Don’t let the community nerf the Incendiary Corps" Are these nerfdivers in the room with us right now?
I keep getting kicked from games for saluting the flag during Raise the Flag missions
Keine Maden in den Ascheneimer bekommen
Gehyped und enttäuscht
Is that normal ???? [0:09] did the goblin just duck below my Hammer
Anbau entfernen - Naturschutzgesetz Efeu
Why is there no report option for Inappropriate Language / AKA Slurs?
New Orb of Nature for those who haven't seen it yet.
Wtf have they done with Hr frost mountain?
Parry does too much damage
Another Nerf on Bards Accel/Allegro
Every hit a parry
Abnormal detection ban is so dumb
Me like Railgun
This is currently EVERY single lobby in HR EU for the past few days. Some drastic measures have to be taken by IM, as this is becoming quite literally unplayable.
Recent SDF Q&A
Why does IM care if people only play 0-24gs?
B hopping has destroyed this game.
Every... Single... Time...
Anyone else have a shiba that loves bath time?
The big chase