What is the special ingredient you add to your burgers?
Which celebrity gives you "I sold my soul to the devil" vibes?
People over 35, what do you personally spend your expendable income on?
Advice on legally sourcing Masters tickets
Post Op Depression
When was the last time you cried, and why?
In 48hrs I’m going to have open heart surgery any tips?
AITAH for insinuating to my son that his father and I have sex?
You are asked to rename Earth, what are you calling it?
It's the day.
What is your darkest family secret that you could never tell anyone?
Life Insurance Carriers
What's the absolute worst movie you've ever seen?
Is this an oil rig? I’m in Scotland and it’s pretty new
I have land and I’m not sure if I should invest in checking for oil or natural gas on it
People who stuck with their partners during hard times, where are you now?
What happens after a restaurant gets a star?
Surgery Tomorrow
(South Korea) Army special warfare commander says he defied order to drag out lawmakers
What is something you hate about your life right now?
One week post Ross AMA
Selling a profitable business on BizBuySell.
Open Heart Round #2
Jason Kelce slams Penn State student’s phone to ground after brother Travis gets called a slur for dating Taylor Swift
69 YO sister was sold $2M in deferred annuities, left with only $200K in checking account